
Showing posts from May, 2007

Am in Galway

Shopping with my mum videos Babel's "Beginner's Guide To Doctor Who" - 01 - The Doctor Babel's Classic DVD Range: The Five Doctors

This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper

Well another election over thank God. Am going through two books at the moment 1. Catcher in the Rye 2. Pompeii Syndrome The Doctor Who episode 'Human Nature' was absolutly brillo on Saturday Was in Galway on Thursday. Got my hands on a book of T.S.Elliot's poetry and plays. Hence why I have a quote from 'the Hollow Men' on my blog. Watched the episode of Rab.C.Nesbitt that had David Tennant playing a transvestite called Davina tonight, v.funny Hoping to make it into Galway on Thursday And am being a real literature geek this weather and am checking out the Hay-on-Sky programme on Sky Arts. Also looking forward to the Galway Arts Festival ,WooHoo Summer is here, thank God

Y'know one of those days

You get some crappy news and all of a sudden former two time eurovision winner Johnny Logan pops out of your wardrobe to comfort you

Summer plan, election free

Hurrah! Found something that I want to try to do next summer, Interrailing . As for this year, I have it all planned. 1. Pass my exams 2.Have to get a summer job. 3.I have to learn how to drive. 4. Have to learn to sketch,properly 5.Write more poetry/fanfiction 6. Go to the Rolling Stones at Slane. In other news, Doctor Who 42 totally rocked on Saturday Got to put a load of new stuff on my deviantart page Revising for Social Studies on Wednesday


History Exam, that is all Video Emo-Man (spider-man spoof) Lyrics to that Inspired by Peter Parker's Angstyness in SM3... I don't hate emos. I don't hate spiderman. Some of my best friends are emo. I am absolutly obbsesed with webhead. This is just a joke. So please don't hate. Lyrcs: Emo-Man Emo-Man Does whatever an emo can spins a poem any size catches misery just like flies LOOK OUT here comes the Emo-Man Is he sad? listen bud he's got radioactive tears Can he make any cut? Take a look at a knife? Hey, there. There goes the Emo-Man

Am Gushing

Someone likes some of the stuff that I write on deviantart Should be studying for History Artslives was good on RTE One last night Rick O' Shea is outside in the roadcaster here in Carlow, might head down that way Videos Am loving Emo-Spidey He's Peter Petrelliing Claude is great Have to watch the rest of Mawdryn Undead


Went well today, although the questions were a little mean


I have a though also, lets be spiteful next year and give no votes to England. Also, when will we tell the new members of the EU to STOP VOTING FOR OTHER EASTERN EUROPE COUNTRIES(exept for the country next door, its a tradition) Also, COME BACK JOHNNY LOGAN, ALL IS FORGIVEN Dervish made us v.proud.Screw you if you don't get us as a country, at least our entry didn't spend their budget on tin foil


went well today, 2 down 3 to go Videos The names Jackman,Hugh Jackman The names Tennant, David Tennant *giggles* I'm done now

Exam today

That is all so far, will write more later, tis english lit


Had Philosophy exam yesterday, thought it went well. Am in Carlow,revising*ahem* God, haven't updated this since Thursday, that's wierd(well for me at least) THERES NO DOCTOR WHO BECAUSE OF THE EUROVISION! Gah! The Irish entry is demented in my view, take a look Solace in Video form *squee* Quiz I took the " The Nine Muses " quiz on My muse is... Melpomene Melpomene is the patron goddess of tragedy. Melpomene is often represented by a tragic mask and is sometimes depicted with a crown of cypress leaves and a club. Despite her tragic side, Melpomene means "The Songstress" because her chanting and singing inspires listeners. Read more ... Who is your muse? And OMG Spot the difference between This Man And This Man

Woohoo!!!!Nostalgia and Puppets fighting

The Political Debate-Bosco vs. Dustin


Drama and Performance exam on today at 3:30. Why the hell am I blogging then. Should be studying what little pittance I got that I call notes, given that part of the year all we did was all physical stuff. Doctor Who is now on at 8pm on Satuday on TV3(still will be watching confidential though) Saw a delicious looking Eric Bana on XPose this morning Found some delicious pics too, can be found HERE and HERE eek Funny stuff this To see all these in full, you need to click them