
Showing posts from May, 2020

Letters from the Irish Lockdown- Letter Three:

Hello again world from Ireland. Well Monday 18th has come and gone and really there was very little change from the previous Friday. In that the traffic had already increased with people having been venturing out and a couple more places are open which weren't open before. What had been announced and was a welcome announcement from me was that face masks/coverings were recommended for people to use venturing out and doing shopping. And who find themselves in enclosed spaces. As of this moment, I can really see no difference to last week. As I have mentioned in my previous post, I am going to continue to do what I was doing and wear my face mask if I intend on going in to pick up essentials..Garden centres and hardware stores are open which is welcome for a lot of people. Also, business that not many people think of as being essential (but really are in this day and age: IT services, electrical and phone repair shops )  are all back open as well. Also golf courses and tennis courts ...

Letters from the Irish Lockdown- Letter Two:

Hello again world from Ireland Well there have been some changes since I last blogged. Some that I have been aware of when I published the last post. Yet I decided to hold back on the news until now. Ireland is slowly reopening .             It was announced the Friday of the May bank holiday that the country will be slowly reopening in a phased capacity as of May 18th. It is going to be really strange I think when this happens. I have gotten used as an essential worker during the lockdown to quiet streets and less people about. Not to mention the novelty of nearly empty car parks. The real strange thing happened when I went down the town after work. What hits you is the silence. Bear in mind, this is a silence in a city which is usually buzzing with life and only experiences this sort of silence in the dead of night after the pubs and the clubs have all closed up. However that being said, the one thing that I will...

Letters from the Irish Lockdown- Letter One:

Hello world from Ireland. What a strange place we are all living in now.  Streets where people would congregate in convivial chats whilst at the same time getting business done up and down the country are now empty. People are heeding warnings issued by our government which are played constantly throughout the day in advertisements on radio, internet and television. There is a general consensus in  the country that we will heed the warnings being given to us. We Irish are generally good at that. We heed our medical professionals as do our government. I think the funniest thing which has come out of this lockdown is the funny imaginative things that people are doing during lockdown which are keeping us all entertained and all our spirits up. The worst thing that I think that our government could decide to do is open everywhere again all in one foul swoop. It was after all reported in the  Irish Times that there may be repeated waves of Covid- 19 that we may still have to ...