Philosophy today
Well, Am nearly finished thank God for that

You're Father Ted!
Who is your inner Father Ted character?
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Pontius Pilate. You have a gweat fwiend in Wome
named Biggus Dickus. His wife's name is
Incontinentia Buttocks. Honestly, you should
get a new legion but keep the centuwion. He
does good work.
Monty Python's Life of Brian- Which random character are you? (now with all pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the Dead Parrot Sketch. Very funny, a bit
dark and definitely a classic.
Which Monty Python's Flying Circus Sketch are You?
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You're Father Ted!
Who is your inner Father Ted character?
brought to you by Quizilla
Pontius Pilate. You have a gweat fwiend in Wome
named Biggus Dickus. His wife's name is
Incontinentia Buttocks. Honestly, you should
get a new legion but keep the centuwion. He
does good work.
Monty Python's Life of Brian- Which random character are you? (now with all pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are the Dead Parrot Sketch. Very funny, a bit
dark and definitely a classic.
Which Monty Python's Flying Circus Sketch are You?
brought to you by Quizilla